Making the DumTeeDum map.

Making the DumTeeDum map.

Screenshot of our map

Some of the best projects come from the most unexpected places and this interactive map with social media integration and a conversational UI is one of our favourites.

I just thought I'd write a little bit about the process and what lessons we learned along the way.

First, I'll let Kristina fill in the backstory on how we came to build a world map of Archers fans...

DumTeeDum is a podcast for fans of The Archers, a few weeks ago an off the cuff remark by another DumTeeDum listener, ignited a conversation about 'where are all the listeners'. This map is the result of those conversations.

What we used:

  • Python for automated processes.
  • NodeJS for the web services.
  • A smattering of vanilla JavaScript for the client.
  • Twitter + Facebook OAUTH2 for authentication + identification.
  • ElasticSearch for indexing the world.
  • CouchDB for logging and NGINX for load balancing.

On to page 2.